Awesome is Coming

Awesome is Coming

Self-directed learning and personalization are the two important hallmarks of the new era of learning. And current teaching methods need to be reshaped to accommodate these. We at Skill’Ohana are fully aware of this and are creating a platform which is best equipped to lead us into this new era of learning.

Newer dimensions to teacher’s role
In coming times, teachers will need to teach social skills (such as collaboration) in addition to academic skills. Secondly, teachers will need to be able to provide more personalized instruction. Soft skills associated with independent and self-directed learning are especially important now as students drive their own learning in school and outside school. Which means that teachers now need to know how to help student manage their thinking, emotions as well as develop good discipline. And while some teachers may achieve this with success, it is not part of training currently received by them. Personalized instruction may be difficult to achieve in traditional learning setting. Personalization allows students learn at their own pace, drive learning based on their interests and tastes. And traditional teaching methods are not well suited to support this.

New teaching methods
The new necessities of teaching methods may overburden teachers. And hence, teaching methods also need a revolution. E-learning platforms like SkillʻOhana are key to this transformation. We at SkillʻOhana see ourselves as curators. We plan to work with teachers and subject matter experts to develop individualized student learning experiences. We envision ourselves as not interfering with traditional teaching but alleviating the burden from the teachers and be their collaborator. By providing a platform where students and teachers can exchange ideas freely, we intend to empower teachers to better understand their student’s learning needs. We will also be a source of talent to support student learning in non-traditional ways. For example, there will be teachers working on our platform and at the same time, we will be working teams of teachers to design range of meaningful courses. Community members with interest in learning/teaching will be able to contribute to this with their experiences as well as expertise. We are planning many such awesome things.

Clearly, we at SkillʻOhana are very excited as we begin this journey and lead the learning revolution. We invite you to join us, whether you are a teacher, a student, an expert, or simply an enthusiast, get in touch!


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